Your Journey

If you’re on this page, chances are you are already a believer and are seeking to experience more in your walk with our Heavenly Father. The key to living as a successful Christian is through seeking and nurturing an intimate relationship with God. To do this, you must include Him in most of your daily activities. As you read in Jonnathan’s book, the more he included God, the more he heard God’s voice, and the more did as God instructed, the more he was able to experience.

We believe that being saved is only the beginning of your journey with God. Below are seven truths that Jonnathan documented in his book, Buddhists, Mormons & Jesus:

1. You are created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 5:1-2, Psalm 8:3-8)

2. You are created to demolish the works of the enemy. (1 John 3:8, Romans 16:20, Luke 10:19)

3. You are created to do all that Christ demonstrated and even greater things. (John 14:12, Acts 1:1-2)

4. God’s thoughts about you are always of peace. (Psalm 139:16-18)

5. God has a plan for your future and it is one that is full of hope. (Jeremiah 29:11, 1 Peter 2:9, Ephesians 2:10)

6. The moment you say or said yes to God, you become a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 2:20, Colossians 3:10-11)

7. You were not just bought at a high price, your life was paid for with the highest price: the Blood and the Life of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (John 3:16, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Romans 5:8)

In John 14:12, Jesus revealed His plan for us is for us to do all that He did while on the earth, and even greater things. As Jonnathan shared in his book, the very moment he read John 14:12, he made the decision to search out and pursue everything Jesus did. In addition, he also sought out and found how Jesus did it – through only doing what He saw His Father doing and only speaking what He heard His Father is saying.

Faith is spelled, R-I-S-K.

Acting in faith is risky business however the reward for your faith far outweighs the consequence of your faith. For example, someone lacking faith may see a man limping and think, “What if I pray and nothing happens?” However, someone who is full of faith may see the same man and ask, “What if I pray and something happens?”

Some of the greatest healing evangelists of our time started off with little or no success. However, Zechariah 4:10 states for us not to despise small beginnings. As you put your faith into action, you will begin to see more action because of your act of faith.

Not Just Works

Some people may read the above and think that when we are talking about putting faith into action, we are promoting works over relationship. James 2:14-26 states that “faith without works is dead” and that we must show our faith through our works.


It’s all about relationship. We believe that our faith must be driven through our relationship with God, through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the source of all the power, Jesus promised and gifted us, and to access the Holy Spirit’s power in our lives, we must be baptized in the Holy Spirit and submitted to the Holy Spirit in all that we do.